Clinique International du Parc Monceau


The establishment can only be held responsible for valuables or cash entrusted to it against receipt for safekeeping.
    • We advise against bringing valuables or cash.
    • If you wish to deposit valuables or cash in the establishment's safe, please inform the admissions staff.


All information concerning your identity is confidential and may not be divulged. However, at any time during your stay, the nursing staff must be able to check your identity.
  • Wearing a wristband is compulsory.
  • Our policy aims to prevent any risk of error relating to patient identity, in order to ensure the quality and safety of care.


Each room is equipped with bottles of hydro-alcoholic solution for disinfecting the hands of nursing staff, patients and visitors.
    • Jewellery, wedding rings, piercings, nail varnish, false nails and all other body accessories are forbidden in the operating theatre.
    • Dentures, hearing aids and contact lenses are not permitted in the operating theatre. Please inform the nursing staff when you arrive if you wear them and arrange for them to be put away as usual.
    • Animals are not allowed in the establishment.
    • For reasons of hygiene, flora are not permitted.


Staff are identified by a colour-coded name badge and their uniforms.


The clinic has an in-house pharmacy managed by a pharmacist.
  • The establishment's pharmacists, in collaboration with the doctors and nursing staff, implement all the rules required to ensure the safety of the medication circuit and the quality of your care.
  • You must report any undesirable effects associated with the use of medication to the nursing staff immediately.


For your own safety, you may not keep your personal medication (art.17 of the decree of 31 March 1999 relating to the prescription and administration of medicines in health establishments).
  • When you arrive, you must hand it in to the nurse who is in charge of you. Depending on your state of health, the clinic's doctors will prescribe it again in-house. If the pharmacy does not have your treatment, the pharmacist may need to use your medication temporarily to ensure continuity of care.


In accordance with decree no. 2006-1386 of 15/11/2006, smoking is prohibited in the clinic.


  • The use of mobile phones is restricted in the establishment.
  • It is forbidden to bring alcohol, dangerous substances or weapons into the establishment.
  • In the event of fire, an evacuation plan and safety instructions are posted on each floor. It is essential for your safety that you read them.
  • In any emergency situation, it is important to remain calm and follow the instructions of staff trained in this type of incident.

Consumer complaints and mediation

All complaints must be sent in writing to the establishment's quality department by e-mail: or by post: Clinique Internationale du Parc Monceau - 21 Rue des Chazelles - 75017 Paris. If the request for a complaint to the quality department fails within one month, the patient may submit the dispute with the establishment to the mediator, free of charge, within a maximum period of one year from the date of the written complaint. The mediator will attempt, independently and impartially, to bring the parties together with a view to finding an amicable solution.

The mediator's contact details are as follows

  • ANM Consommation, an association under the law of 1901
  • Online:
  • E-mail:
  • By post: Médiation de la Consommation ANM Consommation 02 rue de Colmar à Vincennes 94300.

The mediator may be contacted by e-mail, online or by post. In addition to their full contact details (surname, first name, contacts) and the written complaint that they must first have sent to the establishment's quality department to try to resolve their dispute directly, patients are encouraged to provide the following information to the mediator:

  • The nature of the request
  • A description of the dispute
  • All documents and factual evidence useful to the mediator's understanding and analysis of the case.


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Clinique International du Parc Monceau

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By car

21 rue de Chazelles,75017 Paris

Metro (stations):
Metro (stations):

Courcelles : line 2

Malesherbes : line 3

Bus (stops):
Bus (stops):

Courcelles : 84, 30

Wagram - Courcelles : 31

Hoche - Saint-Honoré : 43

Jouffroy d'Abbans - Villiers / Wagram : 93

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Tél : 01 48 88 25 25


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Clinique International du Parc Monceau

21 rue de Chazelles,
75017 Paris

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Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.